Konnar Horsewood | Forum Posts
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Forum Posts

Konnar Horsewood
Nov 26, 2023
In Forum
Haven't been around for a while, Is there any more progress with Gears 5? Weighting on bones correct?
Konnar Horsewood
Aug 06, 2022
In Forum
Is this Tool still alive and being Updated? I haven't seen any updates come out for a while, I know things take time but it's just worrying
Konnar Horsewood
Aug 23, 2021
In Forum
I was trying to export the textures for Anthony Carmine MP01, I got the D, MR, and E to export however they were only 1024x1024, and then the normal wouldn't convert at all, just kept going glitchy, I did have to grab them from the "T_MP_COG_AnthonyCarmine_MatCollection_sm_SG_LOD2" as nothing else exported with the MP01... also can't figure out how to make the UV's correct in blender as the character UV's seem messed up. Here are a few screenshots https://gyazo.com/2daf7c1519290cec6b28bf30256c11d6 - Diffuse 1024x1024 and its the same with the E and MR However the normal looks like this even running it through BC7 with Texmorph 1.9 https://gyazo.com/8dcbe537bc2a004592c92b94be3761a9 and it's only about 512 ish. then on the character mesh this is what it looks like with a texture applied https://gyazo.com/0e0028dc148303d263292fa646d33fb1 as you can see, the UV's aren't proportionate... any help would be appreciated!

Konnar Horsewood

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